
Shotguns & Sorcery RPG

Created by Outland Entertainment

Matt Forbeck's acclaimed Shotguns & Sorcery™ book series is going to be adapted into an RPG powered by Monte Cook’s Cypher System™!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Pathfinder Conversion Is Done!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, May 17, 2021 at 11:01:22 PM

Hello, Backers! 

The Pathfinder conversion for Shotguns & Sorcery is done! It's a 56-page booklet that gives Pathfinder stats for all sorts of monsters and NPCs, plus firearms and some nifty magic items. To make proper use of it, you need a copy Shotguns & Sorcery: The Roleplaying Game—which you already have, of course. Look for an email from DriveThruRPG with a link for your free copy of the PDF.

My son Marty wrote the book, and we hired superstar game designer—and renowned Pathfinder expert—Owen K.C. Stephens to develop it. They did a fantastic job and crammed a lot into it. Outland CEO (and spectacular artist) Jeremy Mohler even gave us a fresh coloring of the artwork for the cover too, just to spruce it up.  

You should also get another email from DriveThruRPG with a link for a fresh version of Miners & Mobsters. Marty—who wrote that book too—spotted a few small errors in it and wanted to fix them before we put it up for sale as a print-on-demand book, so we took care of that.

Jeremy is working on the cover for the comic, Shotguns & Sorcery: The Wizard's Wife. The rest of the book is done, so once we have that, we can get it in your hands too. 

After that, the only thing left to fulfill on this Kickstarter's long list of projects is the art book. I've started a preliminary layout of that, and Jeremy dug deep into the Outland archives to unearth some sketches and uncolored artwork to show off in the book. I'm going to write the text for the book myself. 

Here's a rough of the cover for that. (We're going to have do to something to make that title pop a bit more for sure.) 

I'm grateful to you all for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the new book. It feels great to finally have the last of the Kickstarter's game products in your hands!

Don't fret though. The fun won't stop there. Marty and I have other plans in the works for Shotguns & Sorcery, which we'll kick into high gear once this Kickstarter is wholly fulfilled. In the meantime, though, I just wouldn't feel right about launching anything new until we made sure you faithful backers got everything you pledged for.

Almost there... 

Miners & Mobsters Is Done!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 09:40:36 PM

Well, that was quick. The fine folks at Monte Cook Games — specifically my old friend Charles Ryan — got the approvals for the adventure done at lightning speed. PDF copies are already on their way to you via DriveThruRPG. Be sure to check your emails for that separately. 

My son Marty — who wrote the vast bulk of Monsters & Mean Streets as well — did a great job with this adventure. While it's based on my story "The Job Never Ends," it goes far beyond that and includes a set of six pre-generated PCs so you and your players can jump in and get started straight away. If you haven't already dug into the game, it's the perfect launchpad for a campaign, and if you have, you should be able to slot it into your game as smooth as sliding a bribe across a bar. 

As I mentioned last time, Jeremy is working on the cover for the comic, but the rest of it is done at this point. I'm working on the layout for the Pathfinder conversion book, and once that's complete, I'll dive into the art book. 

Whew. We're getting there! 

Thanks again for your patience and support! 

Adventure Off for Approval
about 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:44:57 PM

Hi, Backers! 

I just sent the adventure off to Monte Cook Games for approval. With luck, I'll have it in your hands soon. It wound up coming in at 40 pages rather than the promised 32, including 6 pre-generated characters with which you jump straight into the game. Marty did a fine job with it, and the artwork — including three pages of snazzy maps — all looks fantastic. 

The comic book is done, barring the cover, which is being worked on as I write this. 

The Pathfinder conversion is in layout at the moment. It's going to reuse a lot of the art from the original sourcebook, so it's just a matter of getting it all rearranged. That one won't require approvals, so we'll be able to deliver it as soon as it's ready. 

Once that's done, I'll get the art book together, and at that point, we're done. Whew! I can see the end of the project from here!

Of course, we have more Shotguns & Sorcery goodness in the works for you. Once that's ready, I'll be sure to let you know. 

Thanks for your continuing patience and support! 

Getting There
about 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 03:25:27 AM

Hi, Backers! 

It's been a couple months since I last posted here, and I want to assure you that this project is still rolling forward. I have the adventure in layout at the moment, and it's missing just a bit of polish and a few pieces of art, which are on the way. The cover looks like this at the moment. 

The Pathfinder Conversion is also in layout. It's going to use mostly existing artwork, so it's just a matter of getting it all in and polished. It looks like it's going to be something like 64 pages all told. 

I just got the lettering in for the comic the other day, and it looks pretty damn good. It still needs a cover, but the interior story pages are about done. Here's a finished page of that for you. 

Once that's all in, I'll get about assembling the art book, and then the entire project will be complete. Whew! 

Thanks again to you all for being so patient. I appreciate the support! 

Monsters & Mean Streets Is on Sale!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 05:07:14 AM

Hello, Backers! 

Just a quick note today to let you know that Monsters & Mean Streets — the monster book you all helped make real as one of the Kickstarter's stretch goals — is now on sale through DriveThruRPG. You already have the PDF version, of course. We decided to release the print-on-demand version as a premium color hardcover to keep it aligned with the quality of the core rules. It came out looking great. 

It's now available for order $19.95. Grab one for yourself to add to your print-book collection. Also, please don't forget to let your fellow gamers know. 

Hope you all have happy holidays. Thanks for your support!